Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Winston's Journal

Dear Journal,

Today was exceptionally horrid. During the 2-Minute Hate this afternoon, people were shouting at Goldstein while O'Brien and I made a weird connection. I don't know how to explain it but it seems as though he read my thoughts. Maybe he's a member of the Thought Police, sent to collect those who didn't worship or slander the pictures on the screen depending on who's on the Telescreen at the moment.
I came home and decided to write in this journal. It's going to be a huge blessing to be able to write what I want with no one arresting me for my opinions and such. Big Brother is a Tyrant. Tyrants aren't desirable. If you aren't desirable then people will start to realize something and they'll overpower you. But, no one here knows the difference between right and wrong, maybe my opinion is wrong? Maybe I'm just being difficult and Big Brother is a God whom I should trust with my life and put my faith in?
Maybe? Maybe not. Oh, there's a knocking at the door. I must go now. Goodbye,


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