Monday, September 23, 2013

"1984" Prole Roleplay

September 23rd, 2013 

Earlyer today was a weird thing. A man came up to me and gestured to my body asking how much. I ran. He was scary and I didn't want no trouble. My ma told me that I'm 'posed to let them talk to me that way, but I don't. I'm only 16 years ole, I'm not old enough for those things. 

I 'member the bomb droppin t'day. It happens all the time so it not nothin' new. A man's leg was hangin from a rafter of a buildin, kinda gross me out! Anywhoser, I got hit in da head by a rock. That hurt. There be a bruise on my forehead from where it hit me. Maybe they'll start makin us wear those hard hats so no one gets hurted. 

I gots to go, ma has lunch ready. See ya!

--Lauren the Prole:P 

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