Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Learning Styles

I am kinda weirded out by all the learning styles I have, and how accurate the results were.

Okay, so first I am a Tactile/Visual Learner:

  • I like Images and Charts
  • I have to move around and take breaks when studying or doing work. 
  • I watch and observe and work with my hands. 
  • I like written instructions and I write everything down. 
  • When spelling big words I have to visualize the word and write it a bunch-a times. 
  • I like things neat and organized. 
  • I like Art and Movies. 

I am an Individual Learner:

  • I'm Private and Independent in my learning
  • I do Self Analysisisss-s-s-s... 
  • I do (in fact) keep a journal 
  • I 'Target' my steps. 
  • I highlight everything. 

I am a Written rather than an Auditory.

  • I skim the text before I read it. 
  • I highlight and write things down
  • I take organized notes during a lecture
  • I use Outline more than Cornell
  • I MAKE FLASHCARDS! (<-- All the time!)

I am an Integrated Brain Level.

  • I talk in feelings
  • I'm future oriented
  • self-destructive (<-- In terms of Academic Confidence)
  • Difficult to educate (<-- True Dat.)
  • Slow learner (Again.. very true)
  • Inner visions and feelings (I day-dream.. A lot)
  • Easily distracted (Why do people always say that?! I'm not easily Distra- Oh look a kitty!) 

My personality type is an ISFJ:

  • Quite and Friendly (<-- Most the time)
  • Committed
  • Loyal
  • Creative
  • I remember important people. 

There ya go! That's my learning style. What's yours?


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