Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Who is Responsible for Gatsby's Death

I think that Tom is really responsible for the death of Jay Gatsby.

Why? Because Tom planted the idea in Wilson's mind because Wilson accused him of killing Myrtle with the 'Big Yellow Car'. Tom told him that it wasn't his car and he said that is was Gatsby who was driving the car. That it was Gatsby who was to be punished.
I think Tom was misinformed, considering it was DAISY who was driving the car, not Gatsby. He told Wilson that it was all Gatsby's fault that his wife was dead. That is was Gatsby who deserved his wrath, not Tom.
And honestly, I think that's a load of crap. Because if Tom hadn't messed around with Myrtle, Daisy wouldn't have kinda-sorta-purposefully killed her,  Myrtle wouldn't have had the pearls from Tom, George wouldn't have asked her about them and hurt her, Myrtle wouldn't have ran out into the street, she wouldn't have died. No one had to die. No one had to loose their life, if Tom would've just been faithful, loyal, and an all-around nice guy!

Nice job, Tom.... Way to ruin everyone's life.

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