Wednesday, December 4, 2013

My Feelings towards Daisy and Jay's "Relationship"

Okay, I'm sure you're wondering why I put quotations around "Relationship". Well, the reason is that I don't believe that they have one at the moment. I mean, sure, they had some fun in the past but as someone once said, leave your past where it belongs. And I hate to be repetitive but the past is just that, the past. You can't change it no matter how much you want too.

I've read the book (twice, this is my third time!) and I've seen the movie (also multiple times); and I know that at one point, Nick Carraway even tells Gatsby that he can't rewrite the past no matter how hard he wants too. And I think that that's true. I don't want to be a spoiler for the rest of my class so I will not continue with the thought that I just conjured up in my mind. But it was a very nice connection. Oh, how I wish I could tell you what I just thought about. NEW SUBJECT!

I think that is Jay Gatsby was a respectable man, he wouldn't even think about touching or seeing another man's wife. Wolfshiem even said that "Mr. Gatsby is an Oxford man! He would never think of looking at a friend's wife." Well, obviously he was wrong. Because Gatsby is 'all up on' Daisy. He's trying to 'get with her' and all that jazz. I don't think that Jay is a very respectable person at all really. He's 'shady', he seems very arrogant. Just the stereotypical rich white man from the 20's. He doesn't care for anyone but himself and the single person he cares about most. And that's Daisy.

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