Monday, November 18, 2013

If You Had to Pick One Thing That You Wanted More Than Any Other Thing What Would It Be?

If I have to pick ONE thing, then it has to be I want people to read my book and absolutely love it! I want to be as big as J.K Rowling, Charles Dickens, Stephen King, and Dr. Suess. I want everyone to know my name as an author. I want to be able to walk out on the street and people run up and ask me to sign a copy of my book. That's what I want most in this world. Or at least right now it is. 

The reason I want this is because it's something that I've wanted since I was 6 years old. It's always been my dream, because it's what I'm good at. I love to write, I love to create, I love to think about a story-line to the point where I'm bored with it. I want to pick-and-pull apart stories until there's nothing left to think. I want to be able to analyze and summarize every book in the library system. Yes. That is what I want. 

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